Sunday 16, Mar 2025
Sunday, 6 July 2014



CorelDraw (styled CorelDRAW) is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Corel Corporation of Ottawa, Canada. It is also the name of Corel's Graphics Suite, which bundles CorelDraw with a bitmap image editor, Corel Photo-Paint, and other graphics-related programs (see below). The latest version is designated X7 (equivalent to version 17), and was released in March 2014.

In 1987, Corel hired software engineers Michel Bouillon and Pat Beirne to develop a vector-based illustration program to bundle with their desktop publishing systems. That program, CorelDraw, was initially released in 1989. CorelDraw 1.x and 2.x runs under Windows 2.x and 3.0. CorelDraw 3.0 came into its own with Microsoft's release of Windows 3.1. The inclusion of TrueType in Windows 3.1 transformed CorelDraw into a serious illustration program capable of using system-installed outline fonts without requiring third-party software such as Adobe Type Manager; paired with a photo editing program (Corel Photo-Paint), a font manager and several other pieces of software, it was also part of the first all-in-one graphics suite.


Here's a list of default keyboard shortcuts.
Align Bottom Aligns selected objects to the bottom
Align Centers Horizontally Horizontally aligns the centers of the selected objects
Align Centers Vertically Vertically aligns the centers of the selected objects
Align Left LAligns selected objects to the left
Align Right R Aligns selected objects to the right
Align To BaselineAlt+F12 Aligns text to the baseline
Align Top Aligns selected objects to the top
Artistic Media Draws curves and applies Preset, Brush, Spray, Calligraphic or Pressure Sensitive effe
Back One Ctrl+PgDn Back One
Break Apart Ctrl+KBreaks apart the selected object
Brightness/Contrast/IntensityCtrl+B Brightness/Contrast/Intensity... 
Bring up Property Bar Ctrl+Enter Brings up the Property Bar and gives focus to the first visible item that can be tabbed to
Center to Page P Aligns the centers of the selected objects to page
Character Formatting Ctrl+T Character Formatting
Color Balance... Ctrl+Shift+B Color Balance
Combine Ctrl+L Combines the selected objects
Contour Ctrl+F9 Opens the Contour Docker Window
Convert Ctrl+F8 Converts artistic text to paragraph text or vice versa
Convert Outline To Object Ctrl+Shift+Q Converts an outline to an object
Convert To Curves Ctrl+Q Converts the selected object to a curve
Copy Ctrl+C Copies the selection and places it on the Clipboard
Copy  Ctrl+InsertCopies the selection and places it on the Clipboard
Cut Ctrl+X Cuts the selection and places it on the Clipboard
Cut Shift+Delete Cuts the selection and places it on the Clipboard
Delete  DeleteDeletes the selected object(s)
Distribute Bottom Shift+B Distributes selected objects to the bottom
Distribute Centers Horizontally Shift+E Horizontally Distributes the centers of the selected objects
Distribute Centers Vertically Shift+C Vertically Distributes the centers of the selected objects
Distribute LeftShift+L Distributes selected objects to the left
Distribute Right Shift+RDistributes selected objects to the right
Distribute Spacing Horizontally  Shift+PHorizontally Distributes the space between the selected
Distribute Spacing Vertically Shift+A Vertically Distributes the space between the selected objects
Distribute Top Shift+T Distributes selected objects to the top
Duplicate Ctrl+D Duplicates the selected object(s) and offsets by a specified amount
Duplicate In Place Duplicates the selected object(s) at their current location
Dynamic Guides Alt+Shift+D Shows or hides the Dynamic Guides (toggle)
Edit Text... Ctrl+Shift+T Opens the Edit Text dialog box
Ellipse F7 Draws ellipses and circles; double-clicking the tool opens the Toolbox tab of the Option
Envelope Ctrl+F7 Opens the Envelope Docker Window
Eraser Erases part of a graphic or splits an object into two closed paths
Exit  Alt+F4Exits CorelDRAW and prompts to save the active drawing
Export... Ctrl+E Exports text or objects to another format
Font Size Decrease Ctrl+NUMPAD2 Decreases font size to previous point size
Font Size Increase  Ctrl+NUMPAD8Increases font size to next point size
Font Size Next Combo Size Ctrl+NUMPAD6 Increase font size to next setting in Font Size List
Font Size Previous Combo Size Ctrl+NUMPAD4 Decrease font size to previous setting available in the Font Size List
Forward One Ctrl+PgUp Forward One
Fountain Fill... F11 Applies fountain fills to objects
Freehand F5 Draws lines and curves in Freehand mode
Full-Screen Preview F9 Displays a full-screen preview of the drawing
Graph Paper Draws a group of rectangles; double-clicking opens the Toolbox tab of the Options dial
Graphic and Text Styles Ctrl+F5 Opens the Graphic and Text Styles Docker Window
Group Ctrl+G Groups the selected objects
Hand Hand Tool
Horizontal Text CCtrl+, Changes the text to horizontal direction
Hue/Saturation/Lightness... Ctrl+Shift+U Hue/Saturation/Lightness
Import... Ctrl+I Imports text or objects
Insert Symbol Character Ctrl+F11 Opens the Insert Character Docker Window
Interactive Fill Adds a fill to object(s); clicking and dragging on object(s) applies a fountain fill
Lens Alt+F3 Opens the Lens Docker Window
Linear Alt+F2 Contains functions for assigning attributes to linear dimension lines
Macro Editor... Alt+F11 Macro Editor...
Mesh Fill Converts an object to a Mesh Fill object
Micro Nudge Down  Ctrl+DnArrowNudges the object downward by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge Left  Ctrl+LeftArrowNudges the object to the left by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge Right  Ctrl+RightArrowNudges the object to the right by the Micro Nudge factor
Micro Nudge Up Ctrl+UpArrow Nudges the object upward by the Micro Nudge factor
Navigator Brings up the Navigator window allowing you to navigate to any object in the document
New Ctrl+N Creates a new drawing
Next Page PgDnGoes to the next page
Nudge Down DnArrow Nudges the object downward
Nudge Left LeftArrow Nudges the object to the left
Nudge Right  RightArrowNudges the object to the right
Nudge Up  UpArrowNudges the object upw
Open... Ctrl+O Opens an existing drawing
Options... Ctrl+J Opens the dialog for setting CorelDRAW options
Outline Color... Shift+F12 Opens the Outline Color dialog box
Outline Pen... F12 Opens the Outline Pen dialog box
Pan Down Alt+DnArrowPan Down 
Pan Left Alt+LeftArrowPan Left 
Pan Right Alt+RightArrowPan Right 
Pan Up Alt+UpArrowPan Up 
Paste Ctrl+V Pastes the Clipboard contents into the drawing
Paste Shift+Insert Pastes the Clipboard contents into the drawing
Place Inside Container... Ctrl+1 Places selected object(s) into a PowerClip container object
Polygon Draws polygons
Position Alt+F7Opens the Position Docker Window
Previous Page PgUpGoes to the previous page
Print... Ctrl+P Prints the active drawing
Properties Alt+Enter Allows the properties of an object to be viewed and edited
Record Temporary Macro Ctrl+Shift+RRecord Temporary Macro
Rectangle F6 Draws rectangles; double-clicking the tool creates a page frame
Redo Ctrl+Shift+ZReverses the last Undo operation
Refresh Window Ctrl+W Redraws the drawing window
Repeat Ctrl+R Repeats the last operation
Rotate Alt+F8 Opens the Rotate Docker Window
Run Temporary Macro  Ctrl+Shift+PRun Temporary Macro
Save As... S Ctrl+Shift+Saves the active drawing with a new name
Save...  Ctrl+SSaves the active drawing
Scale Alt+F9 WindowOpens the Scale Docker 
Select all Ctrl+ASelect all object of the active page
Shape  F10Edits the nodes of an object; double-clicking the tool selects all nodes on the selected
Size Alt+F10 WindowOpens the Size Docker 
Smart Drawing  Shift+S Dbl-clickopens Smart Drawing Tool options; Shift+drag backwards over line erases
Snap to Grid Ctrl+Y Snaps objects to the grid (toggle)
Snap to Objects Alt+Z Snaps objects to other objects (toggle)
Spell Check...  Ctrl+F12Opens the Spell Checker; checks the spelling of the selected text
Spiral Draws spirals; double-clicking opens the Toolbox tab of the Options dialog
Step and Repeat...  Ctrl+Shift+DShows Step and Repeat docker
Stop Recording Ctrl+Shift+O Stop Recording
Super Nudge Down Shift+DnArrow Nudges the object downward by the Super Nudge factor
Super Nudge Left Shift+LeftArrow Nudges the object to the left by the Super Nudge factor
Super Nudge Right  Shift+RightArrowNudges the object to the right by the Super Nudge factor
Super Nudge Up Shift+UpArrow Nudges the object upward by the Super Nudge factor
Symbol Manager Ctrl+F3 Symbol Manager Docker
Text F8 Adds text; click on the page to add Artistic Text; click and drag to add Paragraph Text
To Back Of Layer Shift+PgDn To Back Of Layer
To Back Of Page Ctrl+End To Back Of Page
To Front Of Layer Shift+PgUp To Front Of Layer
To Front Of Page  Ctrl+HomeTo Front Of Page
Toggle Pick State Ctrl+Space Toggles between the current tool and the Pick tool
Toggle View Shift+F9 Toggles between the last two used view qualities
Undo Ctrl+ZReverses the last operation
UndoAlt+Backspace Reverses the last operation
Ungroup Ctrl+U Ungroups the selected objects or group of objects
Uniform Fill... Shift+F11 Applies uniform color fills to objects
Use bullets Ctrl+M Show/Hide Bullet
Vertical Text Ctrl+. Changes the text to vertical
View Manager Ctrl+F2 Opens the View Manager Docker Window
What's This? Shift+F1 What's This? Help
Zoom Zoom Tool
Zoom One-Shot F2
Zoom Out F3 Zoom Out
Zoom To Fit F4 Zoom To All Objects
Zoom To Page Shift+F4 Zoom To Page


Anyone needs Corel Draw X4 serial number(s) with installation code(s) and activation code(s)? Here I will share you them. (Note: I had test them and they work properly.)

1)   Serial number                 : DR14B98-NMPMSL9-MM7WT66-8D884F8-TBVHS
Installation Code            : XRQI-IXV9-RN55-UCJF-RTC7
Activation Code             : E7B7-76F3-9E80-62E4-8DE0
2)  Serial number                  : DR14B98-NMPMSL9-MM7WT66-8D884F8-TBVHS
Installation Code            : XRPW-IXV9-RN55-PCY2-6JU7
Activation Code             : 8D26-D4EB-B12A-DC0B-5C83
3)  Serial number                   : DR14B98-NMPMSL9-MM7WT66-8D884F8-TBVHS
Installation Code              : XRPP-IXV9-RN55-MKH3-R4C7
Activation Code                : D955-A567-2B2C-17E5-552E
4)  Serial number                  : DR15R05-BU6BBDM-69MKA3J-SXL34K4-KUH4E
Installation Code              : XNX8 - 3J45 - TT3T - RUSN - 2QS8
Activation Code               : 6DC3-3E8D-7587-CE1C-A236


Corel Draw has Launched a New release of corel draw version about some month ago. This new version is awesome and has all it take to edit a vector or image to it maximum level if you are an expert in corel draw you should know what am talking about. Corel keeps surprising it users on every new release they bring to the market. Fixing all the bugs in x6 and changing the interface to a very human friendly one. Those who have installed this new release of corel draw x7 know what am talking about. there is a big difference in all the upgrade being made by corel draw. right from corel draw x3 down to this new corel draw x7. Now without going deep into the review of this vector program because that is not why we are here. The main reason is to get a key to activate corel draw x7 for free. It right here at you finger tip without you looking and downloading bullshit other places to get your pc infected with virus. You can easily get an activation key that match corel draw x7 installation key to activate your corel draw graphic suite x7.

We have desigined a Key generator [keygen] so as not to get our user stresed up getting a key for you self and for your friend for free.  

To activate you Corel draw X7 application follow these steps 

  • Check i don't have a serial key and i want to try the product (NEXT)
  • After installation has finished check register latter (Continue)
  • After Trial (click on already purchase)
  • I already have a serial key and wish to enter it (Open the corel draw x7 key generator after you have activated it Copy the serial key there

*NOTE If You Cant Get You Keygen Activation Cde Read "How To sucessfully Download Activation Code"

  • Paste the serial key and enable online or offline Activation (SELECT ACTIVATE OFFLINE)
  • Copy the installation code given to you in the corel draw x7 application and paset it in the keygen (Remember to Put the "-" in between the number e.g xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx )
  • Then click Generate Activation Key
  • Copy the activation key and paste it in the space provided for activation key
  • Click Continue Now Your Corel Draw X7 Have Been Activated With a Key And Not Crack (-_*)

NOTE: To use crack file click on download Crack file on the keygen and follow the instructions. You should have NET FRAME on your system to use this tool if you don't have you can download it HERE!

TAG: Corel Draw X7 serial key, Corel Draw X7 activation code, Corel Draw X7 installation key, Corel Draw X7 free activation key, 
Corel Draw X7 keygen.

Features Of This Corel Draw x7 Keygen

  1.     Genuine Working Keys
  2.     It has All Version Of Corel Draw From x3 - x7
  3.     Crack File Included
  4.     Easy To use
  5.     Free To Download.


corel draw x6 keygen

To be frank the most graphic design professionals use the very expensive pack of application know as Adobe Creative Suite (about $1,000) from their website. Adobe isn’t the only good program used in creating vector, editing images, designing pages, creating new graphic or even building a websites, there are other program which can do those jobs perfectly.

The new Corel draw X6 
Graphic suite which is $499 directly and $ 199 for upgrade is a viable option for anyone who doesn’t need the heavy duty pack like adobe suite pack. CorelDRAW is for windows-only.

This new CorelDRAW X6 has a few new tools and feature in this most recent version makes it more versatile than ever before.

Read more: CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 review | visit | BASIC OFFICE TOOLS

CorelDRAW graphic program is a paid application which cost about $499 and $199 for upgrade. But now with this specially made corel draw keygen which all corel draw x6 activation code and corel draw x6 serial numbers are tested and working perfectly well, activate the application instantly. This corel draw x6 keygen has working keys and we always update this keygen anytime we receive complain about any corel draw x6 activation key. To sucessfully activate the corel draw application please use the corel draw x6 installation code gotten from the keygen.


To activate you corel draw application follow these steps 

  • Open the keygen select a version and click Generate, copy the installation code first and  insert it when asked by corel draw when installing,
  • Don't close the keygen, finish the installation. When corel asks to update, don't let it update.
  • Open corel draw when finished, click on other activation options => phone corel => copy the Activation code and paste it to the empty box in the corel draw application.
  • Click continue and you are finished. You are Done Activating the application With a Key and Not a crack.
NOTE: To use crack file click on download Crack file on the keygen and follow the instructions. You should have NET FRAME on your system to use this tool if you don't have you can download it HERE!!

Features Of This Corel Draw x6 Keygen
  1.     Genuine Working Keys
  2.     It has All Version Of Corel Draw From x3 - x6
  3.     Crack File Included
  4.     Easy To use
  5.     Free To Download.

Click this button to download Corel Draw X6 Keygen

download corel draw x4 keygen free


 corel draw x3 activation keygen

There are strong users of coreldraw application who however value corel’s more effective and manipulative than other vector creating program. It is those people corel is targeting with this latest release.

With this new release of coreldraw x5 there might not be a big interface or overhaul, no flashy or new splash screen and no bright new look. But under the hood there are lots of activities going on.

As such, colour management in X5 is now profile-based, which has the important benefit of providing a good idea of what your final colours will look like as you work. This is handled with X5’s new Colour Proof Settings docker, where you can simulate colours onscreen, based on a chosen output profile, such as coated or non-coated print

To find out more reviews on coreldraw x5 application check out our random post blog [at] [link] Basic office tools.

CorelDRAW X5 graphic program is a paid application which cost about 499$ and 199$ for upgrade. But now with this specially made corel draw keygen which all corel draw x5 activation code and corel draw x5 serial numbers are tested and working perfectly well, activate the application instantly. This corel draw x5 keygen has working keys and we always update this keygen anytime we receive complain about any corel draw x5 activation key. To sucessfully activate the corel draw application please use the corel draw x5 installation code gotten from the keygen.

To activate you corel draw application follow these steps 

  • Open the keygen select a version and click Generate, copy the installation code first and  insert it when asked by corel draw when installing,
  • Don't close the keygen, finish the installation. When corel asks to update, don't let it update.
  • Open corel draw when finished, click on other activation options => phone corel => copy the Activation code and paste it to the empty box in the corel draw application.
  • Click continue and you are finished. You are Done Activating the application With a Key and Not a crack.

     NOTE: To use crack file click on download Crack file on the keygen and follow the instructions. You should have NET FRAME on your system To Enable you use this tool If you don't have you can download it HERE!!

    Here are the PC requirements to download Corel draw Keygen on your PC. Your PC should have these requirements to enable this corel draw key generator run smoothly on your PC.
    1. 500mb of Ram
    2. 32bit or 64 bit operating system
    3. 512GHz or Higher
    4. Window Xp/7/8 vista

    Click The Button To Download Corel Draw X5 Keygen
    download corel draw x4 keygen free


     corel draw x4 key generator 

    The new upgraded corelDRAW graphics suite x4 is a great application, providing capable and professional tools for vector and graphic editing. This image editor includes CorelDRAW for vector-based drawing and page layout, PHOTO-PAINT for image editing and photo retouching, and several supporting utilities.

    Graphic x3 was an important upgrade, going from x3 to x4 is a more evolutionary step and users of this corelDRAW program who have upgraded to the new version of x4 know the changes between x3 and x4. Users who have not upgraded to this version should do so because it is highly recommended.

    Despite its intuitive workspace and impressive versatility, CorelDRAW has been snubbed by some industry professionals, yet it is a very capable design tool. For design pros, small businesses, home users, students, and educators, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4's ease of use and value are extremely tough to beat.

    CorelDRAW vector program is a paid application which cost about $499 and it is a great application used for editing images and creating vector. But now with this specially made corel draw keygen which all corel draw x4 activation code and corel draw x4 serial numbers are tested and working perfectly well, activate the application instantly. This corel draw x4 keygen has working keys and we always update this keygen anytime we receive complain about any corel draw x4 activation key. To successfully activate the corel draw application please use the corel draw x4 installation code gotten from the keygen.


    To activate you corel draw application follow these steps 

    • Open the keygen select a version and click Generate, copy the installation code first and  insert it when asked by corel draw when installing,
    • Don't close the keygen, finish the installation. When corel asks to update, don't let it update.
    • Open corel draw when finished, click on other activation options => phone corel => copy the Activation code and paste it to the empty box in the corel draw application.
    • Click continue and you are finished. You are Done Activating the application With a Key and Not a crack.
    NOTE: To use crack file click on download Crack file on the keygen and follow the instructions. You should have NET FRAME on your system to use this tool if you don't have you can download it HERE!!

    Features Of This Corel Draw x4 Keygen
    1.     Genuine Working Keys
    2.     It has All Version Of Corel Draw From x3 - x7
    3.     Crack File Included
    4.     Easy To use
    5.     Free To Download.

    Click the button to download Corel Draw X4 Keygen
    download corel draw x4 keygen free
    Mirror 1  

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    Item Reviewed: COREL DRAWs CODES AND KEYGENS, Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown